I have had the opportunity to mentor many women in their pursuit of discovering who they really are and what they are passionate about in their lives. Many of those women have shared their fears and frustrations as well as their dreams and desires with me. A common theme required me to answer questions related to the dreams that some of these ladies carried for long periods of time, but fear of failure caused them to either be immobilized or to give up on their dream altogether.
Perhaps you can relate as well. Have you ever wondered if you should let your dream live, or let it go? How can you know with certainty whether or not to pursue a childhood dream, or to follow through with a business idea or proposal that has lingered in your mind for far too long?
If the insatiable desire to become something great or to do something special has never left your heart or mind’s eye since childhood, then God more than likely gave you that innate desire in order to accomplish His purpose for your life. You can hold on to and pursue it if it is believable, achievable, and realistic given your natural abilities and talents, present or available resources as well as where you are and what responsibilities you currently have in life’s journey. Here are some questions to ask and answer during your time of reflection:
· What changes will need to be made if my current path is not aligned with who I wanted to become or what I wanted to do?
· Will these changes help or hinder me and those closest to me?
· Can I afford to make these changes without suffering tremendous loss spiritually, financially, physically, emotionally and socially, and is it wise for me to take this risk?
· Is what I wanted to become when I was a child someone else’s idea and desire for me, or was it to be my destiny?
If your present state causes much fatigue and frustration without any sense of self- fulfillment or joy, then it is time to allow yourself to dream again and to pursue your destiny for the next season of life’s journey, especially if you can make the necessary, realistic adjustments without causing irreparable harm to yourself as well as others.
If the changes you need to make will hinder you or those closest to you, or if you will suffer tremendous loss, or if the dream you had was impressed upon you by someone else and is unrealistic and unachievable at this point in your life based on your natural talents and available resources, then it is time to let your dream go in exchange for one that inspires and motivates you to believe and achieve it..