According to Newton’s Third Law of Motion when studying physics, I learned that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. A force is a push or a pull that acts upon an object as a result of its interaction with another object. Forces result from interactions. According to Newton, whenever objects A and B interact with each other, they exert forces upon each other. For example, when you sit in a chair, your body exerts a downward force on the chair and the chair exerts an upward force on your body. There are two forces resulting from this interaction - a force on the chair and a force on your body. These two forces are called action and reaction forces and are the subject of Newton's third law of motion: “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Other examples of action and reaction forces would be a fish as it swims in the water, a bird as it flies in the air and a plane as it also takes off from the runway to fly against the wind. In every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting objects. The size of the force on the first object equals the size of the force on the second object. The direction of the force on the first object is opposite to the direction of the force on the second object. Forces always come in pairs - equal and opposite action-reaction force pairs.
It has been said that crisis often occurs at the curve or intersection of change. I’d like to test this using Newton’s third law of motion as it relates to another pair of action-reaction forces that have an equal and opposite effect - a crisis and how a person reacts to it. Could it be that each crisis that occurs in a person’s life and the size of the force that comes with it, is equal to the size of the force that a person applies when reacting to it? Is it possible to transform the ways in which one thinks and acts, thereby causing the crisis to have an equal and opposite effect?
The world is constantly changing, moving, growing and progressing in the midst of crises that occur. Change must be embraced before it can actually occur. However if change is viewed as a chore, it is less likely to be accepted and used to one’s benefit. Those who are unwilling to change their own minds cannot really change much of anything. People can’t always choose the situations that confront them, but they can choose the way they respond. Self-motivation is not genetic; it is merely a CHOICE!
Here are five ways to shift our perception of change. In so doing, we choose to no longer remain in our comfort zone — a place that stunts our growth and stagnates our potential.
Stop being a creature of bad habits. Eliminate counterproductive habits (resistance to change, negative thoughts and words, complaining, etc.) over the course of at least 21 days. Habits can be a positive reinforcement of who we are and what we do.
Take responsibility for our job/career. We forfeit our destiny when we blame others for where we are or aren’t in our lives. Manage change; don’t let it manage us!
Focus on destiny (where we are going) rather than history (where we’ve been). The only things we should remember and rehearse from our past are valuable lessons that we’ve learned so that we can be mentally and physically healthy and productive in our present and future.
Eliminate clutter (mentally and physically). Keep one task in front of our eyes at a time to focus on until it is completed.
Read to succeed. Turn waiting time into learning time by keeping reading materials on hand. Welcome and implement new ideas for personal and professional growth.
We must learn to identify the things within us, and not just around us, that need to change without resisting the need to do the work necessary to live successfully, and that begins with the way we think and therefore, act.