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5 Basic Barriers to Fulfillment in Marriage, Ministry and the Marketplace

Writer's picture: Natalie A. FranciscoNatalie A. Francisco

Updated: Jul 15, 2024

Many Christian leaders may wonder how they can find fulfillment in their daily lives while trying to balance roles in their families, churches and places of business (for those who may be bi-vocational). More often than not, frustration tends to occur due to a number of red flags that have gone either unnoticed or unaddressed for far too long. While each person’s culture and context may be different, there are 5 basic barriers to fulfillment in marriage, ministry and the marketplace that can be addressed:

  1. Moral Breakdown: Morality is defined as conformity to the rules of right or virtuous conduct. A moral breakdown occurs when there is a breach of trust and the comprising of a belief, character trait, core value, or action that contradicts, for the Christian, biblical truth and Christlike behavior. When there is no moral compass to follow which is what leads to right conduct and righteous living, then the opposite occurs — wrong conduct and riotous living (good/morality versus evil/immorality).

  2. Biblical Barrenness: Reading the bible and applying its principles in daily living should be a priority for every Christian. While studying the bible to preach and teach to others is necessary for the vocational calling of pastors, it is more important to study the bible for one’s own personal relationship with God. Failing to do so can hamper and halt our spiritual growth which will effect other areas of life as well. Reading the bible gives us a better understanding of God and His will for our lives. As Jesus’ disciples, we are called to glorify God and bear much fruit (John 15:8) —and we can’t bear fruit in a biblically barren state.

  3. Vocational Bewilderment: God created each of us for a particular purpose. The late Myles Monroe once said, “When purpose is unknown, abuse is inevitable.” Purpose gives us a reason to enlist our talents, abilities, gifts and skills (t.a.g.s.) in pursuit of that which honors God, blesses others, and fulfills us in the process. However, when we aren’t aware of why we were created, what we are called or gifted to do, and how and where and with whom  we should enlist our t.a.g.s., then a state of bewilderment sets in, causing us to be unsure and uncertain of ourselves and the direction in which we should be going. Vocational bewilderment happens when we may be in what seems to be a dead end job where there seems to be no advancement or growth in sight. It can also occur between jobs or when a person is not in any particular occupation at all, but is unsettled and senses a higher calling to do something that is nobler and bigger than what one person could ever do alone. Seeking direction from God in prayer and receiving confirmation from His Word in biblical study as well as from trusted others for counsel, is paramount to receive clarity and next steps.

  4. Spiritual Bankruptcy: To be in a place where spiritual deposits have not been consistently made (i.e., prayer, bible study, church attendance, fellowship with other believers, discipleship, etc.), is to be devoid of spiritual development and growth. Continuing down this slippery slope can lead to apostasy when faith and all spiritual disciplines are abandoned. Spiritual bankruptcy is a dangerous place in which to be because it is an intentional choice to pull away from God rather than to draw nearer to him. This can lead to a state of apostasy as well unless action is taken to repent and intentionally pursue an intimate relationship with God that leads to transformation.

  5. Mental/Emotional Burnout: Whereas many people concentrate on their physical appearance and others focus on their spiritual development, our mental/emotional wellbeing is equally important and requires our attention as well. Our mental and emotional health is paramount and must be a matter of priority if we are to function well personally and professionally in our relationships with ourselves and others daily. Burnout is defined as fatigue, frustration or apathy resulting from prolonged stress, overwork or intense activity that, in this case, has taken a toll on one’s mental/emotional health and wellbeing over time. When this area is overlooked and unaddressed, it can affect one’s physical health as well, resulting in illness and disease that may ensue.

Identifying these 5 barriers and addressing them proactively moves us closer to becoming fulfilled in our daily lives.

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